Monday, December 28, 2009

All We Need is Orba Squara!

So I woke up this morning and had to go to work after a great Christmas and 4 day's off with the family. I needed to know, you know, what the temperature was. Kinda important since I haven't had to grab the ole' businessman's trench coat in a while, and the temperature usually rises about 20 degrees during the day here, only to drop at night.

I made the mistake of tuning into TWC for a quick, hopeful, catch of Local on the 8's. I have to time this between 3 girls getting ready, so an update before or between the actual 2 minute deal is appreciated. But no, it's a terrorism update, a food update, an Al update on how great he is, another Al update on how great he is, pictures of the NBC Christmas Tree, ice skaters and some guest who was repulsive. All we needed was Orba Squara to round out the show.

We just had a near miss terrorism incident in Detroit, riots are all over Iran, Russia is nuking up, the healthcare bill is about to be jameed down our throat, our government officials deny all that's wrong and claim responsibility for all that's right (thank you Al Gore).......can't we just see 10 minutes of weather? Or, do we just want to relax with it on in the backround and step away from the crazy world? Either way, it's a weather channel dammit!!